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Ancient African stories can help recession hit business, says risk expert

Ancient African stories can help recession hit business, says risk expert

African folklore will be teaching modern business leaders how to deal with the risks of running a business in the economic downturn at the London film premiere of the first UK Risk Management training film in February.

Risk Edutainment – ‘Moremi’TM tells the story of a threatened city in ancient West Africa, paralleling the characters’ fight for survival with handling the risks involved in running a business.  It will be shown at a reception at BAFTA for business leaders, together with a storytelling session by an African storyteller Usifu Jalloh.

Moremi is the heroine of the story who helps save her city, Ile-Ife, from a threat to its future. Her quest highlights dilemmas of strategy, risk, performance and reward.

The film has already won praise from academics at Glasgow Caledonian University, who called it “an exciting alternative to more traditional approaches to risk management training”.

This innovative approach to risk management is the brainchild of Joachim Adebayo Adenusi, executive director of Inspirational Risk Management Solutions (IRMS), and a former director of the Institute of Risk Management.

He said: “Human beings are innately storytellers and risk managers, and have always been throughout history. These days, businesses slot it away as a set of fairly dull procedures and processes but it gets to the heart of decisions everybody makes about their lives every day.

“Moremi asks questions about how to deal with the threats and opportunities of life and death, existence and destruction – just the same issues faced by businesses right now in an economically threatening world.

“I found in some of my previous roles as a risk professional, that it was a constant battle to find ways of getting staff engaged in thinking about how they handled threats and opportunities at work, which is what risk management is all about. It was in the process of looking for ways of engaging and enthusing staff that I first had the idea of using stories and plays. I’m delighted I’ve finally been able to make it happen.”

The film was written by Gbadero Lahanmi and produced by Deadline Productions.


The premiere will be held in BAFTA’s David Lean Room, 195 Piccadilly Circus, London W1J 9LN on 23 February from 6pm to 8.30pm. It will feature top industry speakers and Sierra Leonian story teller Usifu Jalloh as well as the film premiere.

You can watch the Risk Edutainment – ‘Moremi’TM film trailer on YouTube here:

About Joachim Adenusi

Joachim Adenusi is a passionate inspirational risk professional and promoter of the performance-based Enterprise Risk Management approach across the UK. He is an award winning UK Public Sector Risk Manager of the Year with two highly recommended European Strategic Management Awards. He is a chartered insurance insurer (ACII), a Fellow and former Director of the Institute of Risk Management (IRM), and currently advises major UK financial services and underwriters on implementing and embedding Solvency II requirements.

About IRMS Ltd

Inspirational Risk & Management Solutions (IRMS) Ltd is a Risk and Strategic Management training and consultancy firm dedicated to providing industry-leading solutions that have been individually designed, implemented and supported to meet unique organisational needs.

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